Let me start with inviting you to a virtual visit to my Studio. I used to take Guests in Sopot, but thanks to the Internet you can see my online portfolio in the comfort of your own home. Let me to introduce you into fine details of my workshop. While preparing an exhibition in Fine Arts Academy in Gdańsk for my master thesis in 1986 (former High School of Fine Arts in Gdańsk), I introduced my own technique, which is constantly improving. I keep it art to date, using my experience with linoleum block printing, and finally forming my images on the silk. As a result, reminiscent of batique, images are also combined with other techniques, for example, with oil pastels, gilts or marking application on paper. For variety of my portfolio, I return to perform a short series of graphics. As well as I am going down for other techniques; here you will find examples – ink drawings on paper. Art performing, specially taking a precise drawing and reproducing it as diverse variants still makes me happy. Staying in this splendid mood, I hope to stay connected online with you, create new artworks that will surprise both of us, you and me. As my artwork needs to find space in your virtual (and also real) landscape. Don't get left behind. Don’t get out before you leave me a message, commenting the process of creating or showing interest in my work. It is as significant for an artist as vital is selling his/her artworks (you are warmly welcome to purchase any).
Wilga Badowska got her diploma of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk in 1986 under the supervision of professor Kazimierz Ostrowski. Since then she has been engaged in painting and graphics as well as silk batik technigue.
She bas been also experimenting with mixing batik with other techniques.
Her painitgs are mainly figurative and decorative but also full of symbols. The painter uses various motives taken from myths and then transers them into ideas presented by a synthetic, almost graphic sign.
Wilga Badowska has benn presentig her works at the numerous collective exhibitions in Poland, Japan, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Lithuania as well as over 40 individual exhibitions (among others: 1991 BWA Olsztyn; 1997 Museum in Lebork; 2000 „Na Piętrze” Galerry, Koszalin; 2002 „Triada” Gallery, Gdańsk; 2002, 2012 „Dworek Sierakowskich” Gallery, Sopot; 2004 Galleri2earn, Bornholm, Denmark; 2007 the National Art Gallery in Sopot; 2007 MOK, Olsztyn; 2010 „ Tygiel” Gallery Gdynia; 2012 the Gallery of Contemporary Art, Kołobrzeg; 2014 Refektarz Gallery, Kartuzy).
e-mail: wilgabadowska@op.pl
phone numer : 0048 502 620 388